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- Category: Projetos
Mural feito para o Polo Cultural Itália No Rio@poloitalianorio em homenagem aos 150 anos da Imigração Italiana.
Fiquei muito feliz de poder desenvolver essa arte com um tema que faz parte das origens da minha família. Meu bisavô veio da Calábria, no sul da Itália.
Recomendo muito a visita!
Avenida Presidente Antônio Carlos, 40 - RJ
SEG - SEX / 7H30 - 16H30
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- Category: Projetos
Mural created for the Italy Cultural Hub in Rio @poloitalianorio in honor of the 150 years of Italian Immigration.
I was very happy to be able to develop this art with a theme that is part of my family's origins. My great-grandfather came from Calabria, in southern Italy.
I highly recommend the visit!
Avenida Presidente Antônio Carlos, 40 - RJ
MON - FRI / 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM
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- Category: Projetos
Maior mural que já pintei na vida!
Amo pintar em grande escala, esse foi GIGANTE!
O Skylux é um prédio novo empreendimento da Tegra de 33 andares, 95m de altura.
O mural inteiro tem 75m por 25m num total de 1.875 metros quadrados que finalizamos em 15 dias intensos de pintura. Teve chuva, sol e ventos fortes, mas a gente conseguiu!
Pintar nessa escala é um desafio enorme, envolve muita burocracia, logística muito complicada e trabalho em equipe.
Um grande obrigado ao meu time pelo empenho!
Que venham os próximos gigantes para a gente enfrentar!
Fica na Rua Visconde de Inhaúma 80, pertinho da Candelária no centro do Rio de Janeiro.
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- Category: Projetos
The Cable Car was one of the most special projects I've ever done. First for the honor of painting this important and beloved place in my hometown, second for being a very challenging logistics.
There were more than 3 intense months of painting facing an extreme climate with weather conditions that varied a lot in a short time. But the challenges were always overcome by the good will and commitment of the team I had the pleasure of working with. It is essential to know how to work as a team to be able to accomplish something of such importance, I sign the creation but the development was done as a team, it was a great achievement to be able to work with great professionals. Without them it wouldn't be possible. Certainly, painting these panels on the Sugar Loaf Cable Car and on Urca Hill was a great accomplishment.
I love taking my art to places I never imagined it would go, I've been invited to exhibit and paint in many cities around the world, but I'm sure this is the most special thing in the city I love the most. Our city, RJ.
It was a great pleasure to paint the local fauna and flora, nature has always been the biggest reference. It is a great achievement to have my panels on top of the Cable Car!
Project is part of UIA2021rioexpo held by VMS Eventos and Barizon Entretenimento
Art Product Carol lyra
Production Assistant: Join
Painting Assistants: Ju Angelino, Gabriel Simo, Lino339
Estação 2
Estação 3
Estação 4
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