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- Category: Projetos
Custom-painted canvas for Cristina's birthday, mother of 5 children who I am pleased to say I am friends with all five!
This canvas that has the mother taking care of her garden with her children represented by the birds was made with a lot of love and care.
I loved painting this canvas and I was very happy with the result.
- Breno By

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- Category: Projetos
Tela pintada por encomenda para o aniversário da Cristina, mãe de 5 filhos que tenho o prazer de dizer que sou amigo de todos! Foi com muito amor e carinho que pintei essa tela que tem a mãe cuidando do seu jardim com seus filhos representados pelos pássaros. Amei pintar e amei o resultado.
- Breno By

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- Category: Projetos
O tema desse novo trabalho tem tudo a ver com música. Apresenta um novo desdobramento do meu trabalho, onde mergulho na pintura abstrata. Trabalhei a partir da experimentação, pintando as telas como quem toca em uma banda de Jazz por puro improviso. Por isso o titulo da exposição é Jam Session.
Tenho grande afinidade com o jazz, blues e música instrumental. Estilos onde a improvisação é proprio processo criativo.
Na a abertura da expo tivemos uma Jam entre os musicos Marcelinho da Lua , Edu Neves e Guto Wirtti que fizeram algumas experimentações sonoras na vernissage que aconteceu dia 12 Maio de 2022 na Artur Fidalgo Galeria.
- Breno By

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- Category: Projetos
The theme of this new work has everything to do with music.
It presents a new development of my work, where I delve into abstract painting. I worked from experimentation, painting the canvases like someone playing in a jazz band by pure improvisation. That's why the title of the exhibition is Jam Session.
I have great affinity with jazz, blues and instrumental music. Styles where improvisation is the creative process itself.
At the opening of the expo we had a Jam between the musicians Marcelinho da Lua, Edu Neves and Guto Wirtti who made some sound experiments at the vernissage that took place on May 12, 2022 at Artur Fidalgo Galeria.
- Breno By

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- Category: Projetos
Rock in Rio is part of Rio's history, the biggest festival in Brazil! I've watched great shows since I was a teenager at this festival, being part of the 2022 edition was amazing!
Rock District
The first part of the project was to paint the store fronts in the Rock District, which is a festival street that has a plaque in the middle and the stores on the sides. The area was divided by 3 artists, the middle was painted by the artist Mari Pavanelli, the stores on the right side were painted by the artist "Cadumen" and I painted with the stores on the left of the stage.
Intense days of work with strong winds, rains and strong sun!
Guitar for VIP area
Also in the 2022 edition we painted a 5 meter guitar that was at the entrance to the VIP area.
RIR Official Shirts
5 arts were developed for the official RIR store, which became shirts and festival products. I worked from elements of the festival's identity and elements of rock in roll.
It was really cool to illustrate the shirt that had the line up of the event on the back.
Painting assistant: Gabriel Simonetti
Producer: Carol Lyra
Customer Service: Raphael Sant'Ana
- Breno By